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 courses in Gisborne
m. . . Oral traditions from the east coast give various versions of the Māori settlement of Gisborne. Paoa named several places in the area, including the Waipaoa River (Wai-o-Paoa). However, a more common version of events is that Horauta precedes Takitim. According to legend, the great navigator Kiva first set foot on the Turanganui River at Takitimu waka after traveling to the region from Hawaii in the 1300s and Horut waka It is said that the captain of the ship, Paoa, followed him. Local industries include agriculture, horticulture, farming and forestry. According to another legend, Kiva waited so long for Horut's canoe to arrive that he named the final landing site Turanganui-a-Kiva (Kiva's Long Waiting Place). It is also in the southern part of Gisborne County and the Bay of Poverty.

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